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During term-time we operate daily pre-school sessions for children aged 1  – 4 years. We offer a choice of sessions, Monday to Friday, with the main pre-school sessions operating from 9am – 12pm for the morning sessions and 1pm – 3.00pm for the afternoon sessions. We also offer a daily lunch club from 12pm – 1pm each day so that, if you wish, your child can enjoy lunch with their friends before, or after, their session, or if they wish to stay for both morning and afternoon sessions. 

We are also able to offer start times of 8.30am or 8.45pm for parents/carers dropping other children at school, or if this is more suitable for you.

We are fully flexible with sessions and parents/carers can also add breakfast/afterschool clubs where required.

We also offer full "all day" care which can be from 7.45am - 6pm, every week day, for 50 weeks a year.


We operate the playgroup in up to three fully equipped rooms, using Bumble Room for the youngest children (1-2 years), Cuckoo Room for the slightly older children  and Honey Room (which is in the main school building) for our children who will be starting school in September (3 - 4 Years). Throughout the sessions children are able to choose from a wide selection of toys and activities, including investigating natural resources, take part in art and craft activities both child and adult initiated, and socialize with their friends. As we also have unlimited access to the secure outside areas we also play outside daily all year round, and operate a free-flow system between inside and outside in the warmer weather.


Our fully qualified and experienced staff ensure that all children are developing and learning in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage, and plan a variety of learning and play experiences for all children following this curriculum.

During playgroup sessions children are offered a choice of healthy snacks and drinks with fresh drinking water constantly available.

We are able to arrange up to 15 hours of universal funding with Medway Council for all eligible children (3 years and above) and for 30 hours funding for eligible families. We are also registered to provide two year old funded sessions (up to 15 hours per week) for families eligible to receive this (please speak to our Manager or Admin  if you require further information on this).

Flexible childcare sessions can be tailored to fit all individual family needs.

We accept all Childcare Vouchers.

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